

The symbol of the labyrinth is a shape carved in collective consciousness, and it has transformed over time with humanity. In past it was conceived as initiation ritual to reach a higher level of knowledge or spirituality, as a place where to entrap evil spirits, as a space of protection for something precious and as a symbol of the mother’s womb.

In his transformations and in his various meanings, the labyrinth remains an ancestral symbol of the travel in search for personal identity, for renaissance through knowledge. We come into the world and we build ourselves a piece after another, through what we live and what we perceive of what surrounds us. But throughout life we find ourselves in search for some kind of renaissance. We feel the need to affirm our subjectivity, give ourselves a new shape, no longer untouched and candid as at our birth but enhanced and multifaceted as what we’ve lived made us.

So we enter our inner labyrinth, to explore ourselves, learn more about our inner geography, to travel again through all what we’ve been and understand who we are now. We re-wrap the thread of memory looking for the hart of the labyrinth, our center.
In my personal Labyrinth I found forgotten places, unexpected demons, surprising paths and deceptive mirrors.
Labyrinthus illustrates this exploration, it develops as the visual representation of an inner journey in which evocative colors and symbolic elements blend in a surreal and metaphoric nature.